The benefits of somatic movement

Ways to tune into your body and release tight muscles and pain
Tight muscles, aches, and pain can’t release and let go unless we can feel and sense what’s going on in our bodies.

What Somatic movement gives us if we slow down
Thrilled to see this article on somatic movement in the New York Times, Slowing Down to Feel: Moving Our Minds Around Our Bodies.

A mind-body connection lets muscles release
Here’s the secret about somatics — it all starts with the brain.

Easy listening: Try out this “somatic sampler”
Curious about somatics movements, but not really sure what’s involved or if it’s for you? Here’s an audio sampler.

When we sleep, our muscles can rest
Somatics is all about releasing tight muscles so we gain the Freedom to Move. As part of our daily health journey, I will post some gentle Health and Wellness suggestions to practice alongside your regular somatics practice.

Somatics: Pain-free connection between your brain & body
No amount of force will release long-held muscle tension patterns in our bodies. Eventually our brain tells the muscles to clench as an ongoing habit.
That’s where somatics comes in.